
Friday, 23 December 2016

Serious water shortfall in Nkambe town(9 photos)

It's been more than two weeks now that inhabitants of Nkambe, Donga Mantung Division have been battling for clean water. Though an old problem here, city dwellers have blamed SNEC for being heartless in the way they neglect the people of Nkambe. SNEC authorities say that there is no electricity where the water generating machines are installed while the local man seems to be familiar with such an excuse.
People have to go to far off areas in other to fetch clean water for cooking and drinking.
You can carry 'yellow water' from Chua Chua and its environs to bathe with. You can do same if you want to do laundry.
This is a local water supply tap at the Mayeye neighborhood here in Nkambe which hosts the inhabitants of Cosmos quarter, Mayeye quarter,  Queens valley, Mintor quarter and beyond. The Nkambe council recently constructed a motorable road to the area in a bit to facilitate movements to and fro the area.

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